BzzAgent is currently giving a select few the chance to be in a campaign for the Sodastream Fountain Jet Soda Maker Kit. It instantly brought me back to the smell of Dr. Pepper. Mmmm, that lovely sweet, cherry and vanilla and...what's in that stuff anyway?
I know one thing that's in it and that's caffeine. Sure they have their decaf variety as well but it just does not taste the same. I've been caffeine free for years, more than 10, due to a heart condition. I do have the availability of drinks such as Sprite or "strawberry" sodas, but I want, no I need MORE! I need some great true to life, lively soda.
This is where the Sodastream could create a whole new fizzy world for me! The ideas are limitless. On the website they have sparkling tea, naturals and SO much more. An added plus to the deal is my 4 year old daughter is growing up without caffiene too. Can you just see it? The Sodastream following her into adulthood? (Maybe we can turn other moms into Sodastream lovers and take over the world? Bwahahaha!)
Please dear BzzAgent! Won't you turn this boring lemon lime life into one of drink eutopia?
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